Institutions, instruments and paths


The Global Health Centre – thanks to the innovative nature of the alliance between healthcare organisations, regional governments and academia – is committed on one side in the spread and development of knowledge on neglected diseases and on the other in constant awareness raising of institutional policy aimed at inclusion of emerging diseases in programmatic activities of the local stakeholders of the regional health system.

Example of concrete legislative efforts undertaken by Tuscany Region’s Resolution number 489 of 04/06/2012 which included free serological assay tests for Chagas disease to be performed during pregnancy.

For the development of research, training and information the centre can count on established collaboration with:


Centro di riferimento regionale della toscana per lo studio e la cura delle malattie tropicali dell’AOU Careggi;


Centro per le malattie tropicali e servizio autonomo di epidemiologia e laboratorio per le malattie tropicali dell’ospedale Sacro Cuore e Don Calabria di Negrar (Verona).

Neglected tropical diseases and global health

A challenge of solidarity and a commitment to prevention.

Institutions, instruments and paths

Description List

Training projects at the university level
